We value clarity, pragmatism, authenticity and mindfulness
Welcome note
Listen in:Endorsements
"You push me out of my context which is a good chance to look from outside to my matter. Like that I can respond to and steer my actual situation and needs. I like our regular interactions." - G.S. Global IT Leader
"You help me dig deep to answer some difficult questions that have been holding me back, almost unconsciously, in order to move forward to reach for my dreams. I recommend you highly to anyone who wants to move their business or career to a new level." - E.H. Entrepereneur Finance
"Kathrin’s background, experience, and passion for her work make her an outstanding coach and change agent. She takes the time to know her clients well, and puts the best interests of the client as the top priority. I truly enjoyed working with Kathrin and appreciated her insight and professionalism." - H.A. Senior VP FMC
Kathrin M. Wyss - Change Agent, Transformation Coach & Leadership Trainer (CH & USA)
Since 2004 Kathrin supports over 1,300 people to be better, successful leaders and happier human beings. Her extensive education program in management, communication, coaching and training parallels her successful business career. She is a highly-skilled person who knows how to break down learned knowledge into daily tasks. Her business background consists of experience at national and international levels in small and multinational corporations, and the Swiss government.
Before becoming a self-employed coach and trainer, Kathrin worked for over a decade in the health care industry. As a pharmacist, she took care of the patients’ needs, and also educated apprentices. As a specialist in marketing and communication, Kathrin further enhanced her knowledge and refinement of languages and their targeted use. When she lead a midsize business unit, Kathrin was leader of small teams and member of the management board, and she controlled the dynamics of establishing, enhancing and minimizing teams. Based on Kathrin’s experiences in spin-offs, integrations and reorganizations of teams, as well as organizations, she values the employees as the key factor for success in an organization. Leadership that is inspirational and targeted is therefore, in her opinion, a key element for business success.
Kathrin’s personal focus is the human being itself, and thus inherently the individual aspects of leadership development and change management. In a nutshell: her focus is the human being.
See also her other website: www.BizShamans.com
Martin R. Wyss - Business Consultant & Managing Partner (CH)
Martin has a professional background in restaurant and hospitality management. He worked for over 20 years in this area and now supports new and restructuring processes in this areas an interim manager. He focuses his work to align business administration matters along the needs of employees and the comfort of the customer.
Martin took over the Swiss Branch of the company from his sister in June 2016 and acts as its managing partner.
- ICF Accredited Coach / PCC
- Fellow Member Trainer IANLP
- Success Factor Modelling (SFM) Facilitator
- SCOAP Coach - Neuroscience in Coaching
- Solution focus Coach - Brief Coaching
- Wingwave- Coach®
- NLP Coach (NLP Master Practitioner)
- NLP-Hypno Coach®
- Provocative Therapy Coach
- EFT Coach
- Reiss Profile Master
- Core Quality Quadrant Master
- cert. Hand Analyst IIHA
We furthermore support associations that set standards for professional coaching, such as IANLP and ICF.
Our long term partners
Often the work profits when challenged from different perspectives. In that sense, we choose our partners to better serve the needs of our clients. In each and every case the team will be known to the client.
More information about our network in general can be found at the Links section of this website:
Awareness and mindfulness
We strongly believe that in each and every one of us, we do have the true potential to shine and manage all circumstances of our life. Sometimes, however, we may be distracted by glory or misery. This is when a helping hand can be used like an aiding walking stick on your journey towards the desired path.
For us, it is important to not necessarily guide but provide the tools and genuine resources that people need to walk on and navigate their chosen way. As coach and trainer we offer options, share experiences from other people who have faced similar challenges, and simply lend an ear to all the sorrows that need to be expressed as you find your way to greatness.
The client, therefore, always has the lead and is the one who determines the goal for and results of coaching. We ensure that you achieve what you want to in a timely and professional manner. Our overall goal is to be authentic and congruent with your true potential and personality as a leader.
Quote of Marianne Williamson & quoted by Nelson Mandela
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light - not our darkness - that most frightens us. We ask ourselves: Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel unsure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us. It is in everyone. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others."